腸道菌群失衡可導致腸胃不適。而益生菌因具備耐酸性、膽汁和胰液耐受性,並能黏附及進入腸道上皮細胞,因此能到達腸道,改善腸道菌群平衡。2 如欲服用益生菌來改善腸胃健康,請先諮詢醫生意見。
- 乳球菌、鏈球菌和腸球菌的菌種
- 大腸桿菌的部份非致病性菌株(大腸桿菌Nissle 1917)
- 酵母菌株(布拉酵母菌)
益生菌發揮功效的時間受不同因素影響,研究 4 顯示這些因素包括:益生菌菌株類別、宿主健康狀況及
數天後已得到改善。有研究 5 更顯示以益生菌合併補液療法與使用,可於24至25小時內減低腹瀉的頻密
別及保質期內的保證含量,而其每日建議服用量中至少一種益生菌菌株應含有109 單位或以上。8
- 單株產品(一種菌株)
- 多菌株產品(幾種不同菌株)
根據國際益生菌協會的建議,益生菌含量並不一定愈高愈好。菌落形成單位(Colony-forming unit,縮
合以下標準 11 :
- 可產生抗菌物質
- 能抵抗酸性和膽汁
- 對人體健康有益
- 能附著於上皮細胞
- 可於腸道順利定殖
- 具有良好的成長特徵
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge及意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra蘊含鼠李糖乳桿菌。鼠
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge 及意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra蘊含鼠李糖乳桿菌,
能抵抗胃酸及膽汁殺滅 11 ;而意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold則含有乳酸雙歧桿菌HN019益生菌
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge及意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra蘊含鼠李糖乳桿菌。鼠
以下標準11 :
- 可產生抗菌物質
- 能抵抗酸性和膽汁
- 對人體健康有益
意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold含有乳酸雙歧桿菌HN019益生菌菌株。乳酸雙歧桿菌HN019益生
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge含維他命B6,可促進新陳代謝及增強免疫力。
意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold含維他命C,有助維持免疫系統的正常功能, 同時含維他命B12,
意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra含礦物鹽,有助補充身體水份及電解質,建議腸胃不適後服用。
意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold是否可以取代我正在服用的通便秘藥物?
正在接受便秘治療的患者於服用意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold前應先諮詢醫生意見。
- Guarner F et al. J Clin Gastroenterol 2012 Jul; 46 (6): 468-481.
- Stavropoulou E et al. Frontiers in Immunology 2020; 11; article 2192
- minello VL et al. Clin Chim Acta 2015; 451 (Pt A): 88 – 96
- Sniffen JC et al. PLoS ONE 2018; 13 (12): e0209205.
- Allen SJ et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010; 2010 (11): CD003048
- Dale HF et al. Nutrients 2019; 11 (9): 2048 – 2063
- Zhang H et al. Synth Syst Biotechnol 2018; 3 (2): 113 – 120
- Ministry of Health, Italy, Guidelines on Probiotics and Prebiotics (Revised in March 2018
- SIFAC, Protocol on the selection criteria and on the rational advice of probiotics in pharmacy, March 2017
- International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, 2019
- Doron S et al. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2005; 34 (3): 483 – 498
- Ibarra A et al. Gut Microbes 2018; 9 (3): 236 – 251
- Bousvaros A et al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2005; 11 : 833 – 839
- Sanders M E, J Clin Gastroenterol 2006, Volume 40, Number 9
- Sustenium probiotics packaging
建議每日服用意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge及意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold以維持腸
意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra則適合於偶發性腸胃不適後服用,以補充水份和電解質。
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge及意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra蘊含鼠李糖乳桿菌。鼠
以下標準 11 :
- 可產生抗菌物質
- 能抵抗酸性和膽汁
- 對人體健康有益
意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold含有乳酸雙歧桿菌HN019益生菌菌株。乳酸雙歧桿菌HN019益生
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge含維他命B6,可促進新陳代謝及增強免疫力。
意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold含維他命C,有助維持免疫系統的正常功能, 同時含維他命B12,
意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra含礦物鹽,有助補充身體水份及電解質,建議腸胃不適後服用。
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge 及意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold均為健康補充品,建議
防氧化。 9 建議把意維能®Sustenium®存放於攝氏25度或以下的地方,並遠離光源、陽光直接照射、熱
意維能 ® Sustenium ® 益能躍動 Recharge
合以下標準 11 :
- 可產生抗菌物質
- 能抵抗酸性和膽汁
- 對人體健康有益
- 能附著於上皮細胞
- 可於腸道順利定殖
- 具有良好的成長特徵
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge及意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra蘊含鼠李糖乳桿菌。鼠
意維能 ® Sustenium ® 益能補充 PROhydra
合以下標準 11 :
- 可產生抗菌物質
- 能抵抗酸性和膽汁
- 對人體健康有益
- 能附著於上皮細胞
- 可於腸道順利定殖
- 具有良好的成長特徵
意維能®Sustenium® 益能躍動REcharge及意維能®Sustenium® 益能補充PROhydra蘊含鼠李糖乳桿菌。鼠
意維能 ® Sustenium ® 益能再生 PROgold
意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold是否可以取代我正在服用的通便秘藥物?
正在接受便秘治療的患者於服用意維能®Sustenium® 益能再生PROgold前應先諮詢醫生意見。
- Guarner F et al. J Clin Gastroenterol 2012 Jul; 46 (6): 468-481.
- Stavropoulou E et al. Frontiers in Immunology 2020; 11; article 2192\
- minello VL et al. Clin Chim Acta 2015; 451 (Pt A): 88 – 96
- Sniffen JC et al. PLoS ONE 2018; 13 (12): e0209205.
- Allen SJ et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010; 2010 (11): CD003048
- Dale HF et al. Nutrients 2019; 11 (9): 2048 – 2063
- Zhang H et al. Synth Syst Biotechnol 2018; 3 (2): 113 – 120
- Ministry of Health, Italy, Guidelines on Probiotics and Prebiotics (Revised in March 2018
- SIFAC, Protocol on the selection criteria and on the rational advice of probiotics in pharmacy, March 2017
- International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, 2019
- Doron S et al. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2005; 34 (3): 483 – 498
- Ibarra A et al. Gut Microbes 2018; 9 (3): 236 – 251
- Bousvaros A et al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2005; 11 : 833 – 839
- Sanders M E, J Clin Gastroenterol 2006, Volume 40, Number 9
- Sustenium probiotics packaging
What are probiotics?
The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”.
What do probiotics do in our bodies?
It has been suggested that the term “probiotic” should be reserved for live microbes that have been shown in controlled human studies to impart a human health benefit. Probiotics are intended to assist the body’s naturally occurring gut microbiota. Gut bacteria have many functions in the body and affect gut health and immune function.1
Will probiotics help my gastro-intestinal issue?
Gastro-intestinal issues could occur when there is an imbalance of gut bacteria. Probiotics are known to have particular properties such as resistance to acid pH, bile tolerance, tolerance to pancreatic fluid, adhesion and invasion capacity in the intestinal epithelial cells. The above properties permit their survival in the gastrointestinal tract and the improvement of the intestinal balance.2 Please consult your healthcare professional if probiotics will help your gastro-intestinal issue.
What are the main microorganisms that are used in probiotics supplements or products based on probiotics?
Most probiotics taxonomically belong to two genera, Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli 3. However, the following may also be added in probiotics supplements: • species of Lactococcus, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus • some non-pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli Nissle 1917) • yeast strains (Saccharomyces boulardii)
What is the best way and time to take a probiotic?
Please refer to the method of administration indicated on the probiotics packaging for the recommendations.
How quickly do probiotics work?
How quickly probiotics work will depend on several factors. A study4 found that the type of probiotic strain, health condition, product formula, product quality, and dose are all important for effectiveness. Some may recommend probiotics for targeted therapy to treat acute symptoms, such as traveler’s diarrhea. In these cases, a person may notice the effects as soon as a few days later. For example, older research5 suggests that in combination with rehydration therapy, probiotic treatment can help reduce the duration and frequency of diarrhea by 24-25 hours. For more chronic conditions, dysbiosis, or general immune health, it can take weeks of continuous use to see probiotics’ effects, while extended use may be better. Continuous use of the correct probiotics may offer the best chance for symptom reduction and overall gut health.
I eat yogurt every day. Don’t I already get enough probiotics?
Some yogurts don’t contain live microorganisms or they contain insufficient amounts of them. Check if the label states the strain or strains contained in the yogurt and the number of live cells guaranteed until the best-before date: the product portion recommended for daily consumption must contain at least 109 live cells for at least one of the strains present.8 Most yogurt brands do not contain probiotic strains such as Sustenium’s LGG and B. lactic L H019. Furthermore, each sachet of Sustenium probiotics contains negligible level of calories.
What types of probiotics products are available in the market?
• Single-strain products (one single strain) • Multi-strain products (several different strains) The study of the possible beneficial effects of multi-strain formulations must be specific and not limited to simply adding up the evidence regarding the effects of the various strains mixed together.
Are probiotics with highest CFU better?
Some yogurts don’t contain live microorganisms or they contain insufficient amounts of them. Check if the label states the strain or strains contained in the yogurt and the number of live cells guaranteed until the best-before date: the product portion recommended for daily consumption must contain at least 109 live cells for at least one of the strains present.8 Most yogurt brands do not contain probiotic strains such as Sustenium’s LGG and B. lactic L H019. Furthermore, each sachet of Sustenium probiotics contains negligible level of calories.
What’s LGG probiotics strain?
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) is one of the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1100 scientific mentions, it is widely research, fulfilling the following criteria11: • Produce an antimicrobial substance • Resistance to acid and bile • Beneficial effects of human health • Attachment to human epithelial cells • Colonize the human intestine • Good growth characteristics
What’s Bifidobacterium lactic (BL) HN019 probiotics strain?
BL HN019 probiotics strain is a widely studied probiotics genus, to provide support of gut microbiome, including in the elderly: it shown to reduce the frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms, such as irregular bowel movements.12
Is Sustenium probiotics suitable for children?
Sustenium REcharge and PROhydra, which contain LGG probiotics strains, are suitable for 3+ children. The LGG bacterial strain is the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1,100 scientific mentions and the best studied probiotics preparation in children.13 If your child has pre-existing health condition, you may like to discuss the use of probiotics for your child with your healthcare professional.
How many good bacteria from probiotics can reach the gut?
It is dependent on the probiotics strain used in the probiotics product. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG), the probiotics used in Sustenium REcharge and PROhydra, is resistant to acid and bile11; B lactic HN 019, the probiotics strain used in Sustenium PROgold, survives intestinal transit.14
How are Sustenium probiotics different from the other probiotics brands in the market?
Sustenium probiotics is sold by Menarini, the leading biopharmaceutical company in Italy. For Sustenium REcharge and PROhydra, LGG probiotics strain is used. It is one of the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1100 scientific mentions. It is widely researched fulfilling the following criteria11: Produce an antimicrobial substance Resistance to acid and bile Beneficial effects of human health For PROgold, BL HN019 probiotics strain is used. It is a widely studied probiotics genus, to provide support of gut microbiome, including in the elderly; it is shown to reduce the frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms, such as irregular bowel movements. 12 Furthermore, Sustenium is a 2-in-1 probiotics, offering you value adding vitamins and/or minerals to meet your specific needs on top of promoting intestinal flora balance. REcharge has added Vit B6, which promotes metabolism and enhances immunity. PROgold has added Vit B12, which reduces fatigue and tiredness; Vit C, which maintain normal function of immune system. It also has added Zinc, which protects cell from oxidative stress. PROhydra has added mineral salt, which helps rehydration and replenishes electrolytes, recommended after gastrointestinal discomfort.
I am taking constipation drug, shall I use Sustenium PROgold to replace?
It is recommended that you discuss the use of Sustenium PROgold to support your constipation treatment plan with your healthcare professional.
Guarner F et al. J Clin Gastroenterol 2012 Jul; 46 (6): 468-481. Stavropoulou E et al. Frontiers in Immunology 2020; 11; article 2192 minello VL et al. Clin Chim Acta 2015; 451 (Pt A): 88 – 96 Sniffen JC et al. PLoS ONE 2018; 13 (12): e0209205. Allen SJ et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010; 2010 (11): CD003048 Dale HF et al. Nutrients 2019; 11 (9): 2048 – 2063 Zhang H et al. Synth Syst Biotechnol 2018; 3 (2): 113 – 120 Ministry of Health, Italy, Guidelines on Probiotics and Prebiotics (Revised in March 2018 SIFAC, Protocol on the selection criteria and on the rational advice of probiotics in pharmacy, March 2017 International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, 2019 Doron S et al. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2005; 34 (3): 483 – 498 Ibarra A et al. Gut Microbes 2018; 9 (3): 236 – 251 Bousvaros A et al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2005; 11 : 833 – 839 Sanders M E, J Clin Gastroenterol 2006, Volume 40, Number 9 Sustenium probiotics packaging
Is it safe to take Sustenium probiotics everyday?
We recommend a daily dose of Probiotics Sustenium REcharge and PROgold probiotics to maintain good gut health. Sustenium PROhydra is recommended to be consumed when there is episode of gastrointestinal discomfort to rehydrate and replenish lost electrolytes.If you have doubt on your health condition, please consult your healthcare professional.
How are Sustenium probiotics different from the other probiotics brands in the market?
Sustenium probiotics is sold by Menarini, the leading biopharmaceutical company in Italy.For Sustenium REcharge and PROhydra, LGG probiotics strain is used. It is one of the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1100 scientific mentions. It is widely researched fulfilling the following criteria11:• Produce an antimicrobial substance• Resistance to acid and bile• Beneficial effects of human healthFor PROgold, BL HN019 probiotics strain is used. It is a widely studied probiotics genus, to provide support of gut microbiome, including in the elderly; it shown to reduce the frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms, such as irregular bowel movements. 12Furthermore, Sustenium is a 2-in-1 probiotics, offering you value adding vitamins and/or minerals to meet your specific needs on top of promoting intestinal flora balance.REcharge has added Vit B6, which promotes metaboli and enhances immunity.PROgold has added Vit B12, which reduces fatigue and tiredness; Vit C, which maintain normal function of immune system. It also has added Zinc, which protects cell from oxidative stress.PROhydra has added mineral salt, which helps rehydration and replenishes electrolytes, recommended after gastrointestinal discomfort.
After using Sustenium probiotics for some time and I feel there are improvements, do I need to continue using the product?
As Sustenium REcharge and PROgold probiotics are health supplements, we recommend the daily usage of Sustenium probiotics to maintain good gut health.
Do I have to store Sustenium Probiotics in the fridge?
It’s true that probiotics are extremely sensitive to environmental factors such as light, temperature, humidity and oxygen, which can affect their viability, but the right packaging should protect them from humidity and oxygen.9 So we recommend consumers do not expose the product to heat sources or sudden temperature changes, keep it protected from light and preferably at a temperature below 25°C.15
Sustenium REcharge
What’s LGG probiotics strain?Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) is one of the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1100 scientific mentions, it is widely research, fulfilling the following criteria11:• Produce an antimicrobial substance• Resistance to acid and bile• Beneficial effects of human health• Attachment to human epithelial cells• Colonize the human intestine• Good growth characteristicsIs it Sustenium probiotics suitable for children?Sustenium REcharge and PROhydra, which contain LGG probiotics strains, are suitable for 3+ children.The LGG bacterial strain is the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1,100 scientific mentions and the best studied probiotics preparation in children.13If your child has pre-existing health condition, you may like to discuss the use of probiotics for your child with your healthcare professional.
Sustenium PROhydra
What’s LGG probiotics strain?Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) is one of the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1100 scientific mentions, it is widely research, fulfilling the following criteria11:• Produce an antimicrobial substance• Resistance to acid and bile• Beneficial effects of human health• Attachment to human epithelial cells• Colonize the human intestine• Good growth characteristicsIs it Sustenium probiotics suitable for children?Sustenium REcharge and PROhydra, which contain LGG probiotics strains, are suitable for 3+ children.The LGG bacterial strain is the most studied probiotics strain, with more than 1,100 scientific mentions and the best studied probiotics preparation in children.13If your child has pre-existing health condition, you may like to discuss the use of probiotics for your child with your healthcare professional.
Sustenium PROgold
What’s Bifidobacterium lactic (BL) HN019 probiotics strain?BL HN019 probiotics strain is a widely studied probiotics genus, to provide support of gut microbiome, including in the elderly: it shown to reduce the frequency of functional gastrointestinal symptoms, such as irregular bowel movements.12I am taking constipation drug, shall I use Sustenium PROgold to replace?It is recommended that you discuss the use of Sustenium PROgold to support your constipation treatment plan with your healthcare professional.
1.Guarner F et al. J Clin Gastroenterol 2012 Jul; 46 (6): 468-481.2.Stavropoulou E et al. Frontiers in Immunology 2020; 11; article 2192,3.minello VL et al. Clin Chim Acta 2015; 451 (Pt A): 88 – 96,4.Sniffen JC et al. PLoS ONE 2018; 13 (12): e0209205.5.Allen SJ et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010; 2010 (11): CD003048,6.Dale HF et al. Nutrients 2019; 11 (9): 2048 – 2063,7.Zhang H et al. Synth Syst Biotechnol 2018; 3 (2): 113 – 120,8.Ministry of Health, Italy, Guidelines on Probiotics and Prebiotics (Revised in March 2018,9.SIFAC, Protocol on the selection criteria and on the rational advice of probiotics in pharmacy, March 2017,10.International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics, 2019,11.Doron S et al. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2005; 34 (3): 483 – 498,12.Ibarra A et al. Gut Microbes 2018; 9 (3): 236 – 251,13.Bousvaros A et al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2005; 11 : 833 – 839,14.Sanders M E, J Clin Gastroenterol 2006, Volume 40, Number 9,15.Sustenium probiotics packaging